Peter Fender

Philip Glass - by Steve Pyke
March 06, 2017

Peter is delighted to be conducting the UK premiere of Philip Glass's Symphony No.8 on Sunday 12 March. The piece was chose because it fitted well wit the other music in the programme and it wasn't realised that it will be a UK premiere until ...

January 24, 2017

Peter will be directing a performance of Haydn's great work 'The Creation' on Sunday 26 February. This will be the culmination of a weekend of work on the piece, which begins on Saturday afternoon. The weekend is a fundraising initiative - half of the proceeds ...

November 22, 2016

Peter has just completed a new composition for recorder ensemble. '3 Miniatures' lasts just 4 minutes, but encompasses a variety of musical styles and recorder techniques. It is written for a medium to large ensemble (i.e. more than one player per part) and ...

Il direttore vitruviano
November 16, 2016

Peter had a wonderful photo session back in the Summer with the fantastically talented Sarah Cresswell. 2 photos from that session are now on the Photos page ... including Il Direttore Vitruviano ...

November 02, 2016

Looking for some new music for your orchestra/choir/group? Please have a look at Peter's new compositions page! All of Peter's compositions and arrangements are listed there and new ones are being added on a regular basis. You can buy directly ...

September 23, 2016

Smiling awkwardly at the new-fangled cameras, troops move towards the Front in the Great War. Their actions are far removed from the swagger and march of war films, but then this is real. The Battle of the Somme remains one of the most successful ...

August 24, 2016

MP3 files of some of Peter's compositions are now available on the Recordings page (under Compositions). These comprise the complete set of tracks from his Speechless CD plus live recordings of a couple of his choral works. Whilst you can listen to (and download ...

August 11, 2016

Peter is delighted to have been commissioned by the Denner Clarinet Ensemble of Sicily to write a new piece for their coming concert season. The ensemble is of the type common in the USA but ...
