Haydn's 'The Creation'

Peter will be directing a performance of Haydn's great work 'The Creation' on Sunday 26 February. This will be the culmination of a weekend of work on the piece, which begins on Saturday afternoon. The weekend is a fundraising initiative - half of the proceeds will be going to the charity Music Fund (see http://www.musicfund.eu) which partners with music schools around the world in places of conflict and deprivation, to help provide instruments and to train instrument technicians. We will be helping provide funds for a new project in Myanmar.
Please come along to play or sing (submit an application here: www.peterfender.co.uk/webform/creation-application), or you can come along to the concert (7pm on the Sunday) or just pop in at any time that we are rehearsing during the weekend (2-9 Saturday, 2-5 Sunday) ... there will be a pop-up cafe so stop for a drink and a snack.
Soloists are: Melanie Mehta, soprano / John Upperton, tenor / Jon Stainsby, baritone