
Peter has been working in music for, ehum, quite a number of years now, and he has been composing for about 15. He therefore feels it's high time that he composed something he's wanted to for some time - a symphony. A symphony is perhaps the height of classical music composition. Not because it's the biggest scale (opera wins that one hands down) but because of the history of the symphony. After Beethoven wrote his incredible final symphony (the Ninth) many composers felt it was an impossible act to follow, a composer today, like Peter, has the Ninth and a whole host of other great symphonies spreading out over almost three centuries looking over their shoulder! But, on the positive side, it's a great thing to be able to join in with this wonderful symphony tradition!
The symphony is being started this month, and it will be documented on Instagram (
And it will be played in a concert in London on 9 December ... watch out for details ... :)