
Compositore Branosort descending Categoria
Britten Simple Symphony Strings
Berkeley Sinfonietta Symphonies
Prokofiev Sinfonietta Orchestral
Raff Sinfonietta Wind
Rouhani, Mehran Sinfonietta Synthetical Orchestral
Byrd, William Sing Joyfully Choral
Dvorak Slavonic Dance Op 72:7 Wind
Dvorak Slavonic Dances Op.46 Orchestral
Leroy Anderson Sleigh Ride Orchestral
Mahler, Alma Songs With soloist(s)
Elgar Sospiri Orchestral
Fender, Peter Speechless (world première) With soloist(s)
Brahms St Anthony Variations Orchestral
Bach, JS St John Passion Choral
Bach, JS St Matthew Passion Choral
Holst St Paul's Suite Strings
Williams, John Star Wars Suite Light
Sousa Stars & Stripes Light
Rutter, John Suite Antique Orchestral
Dumanoir Suite de Ballet Orchestral
Bonis, Mel Suite en forme de valse Orchestral
Strauss, Richard Suite for 13 winds in Bb Wind
Bozzo, David Suite for Wind Instruments (world première) Wind
Purcell Suite from Abdelazer Strings
Susato, Tielman Suite from The Danserye Wind
Rogers / Hammerstein Suite from The Sound of Music Light
Bach, JS Suite No.1 in C Orchestral
Bach, JS Suite No.2 in B minor Orchestral
Bach, JS Suite No.4 in D Orchestral
Caplet, André Suite Persane Wind
Delius Summer Night on the River Orchestral
Tchaikovsky Swan Lake Ballet Suite Op.20a Orchestral
Rachmaninov Symphonic Dances Orchestral
Milhaud Symphonie de Chambre No.5 Wind
Stravinsky Symphonies of Wind Instruments Wind
Bizet Symphony in C major Symphonies
Vorisek Symphony in D Symphonies
Gorecki Symphony No 3 (Symphony of Sorrowful Songs) Symphonies
Sibelius Symphony No.1 Symphonies
Schumann Symphony No.1 Symphonies
Farrenc, Louise Symphony No.1 Symphonies
Fender, Peter Symphony No.1 (world première) Symphonies
Beethoven Symphony No.1 in C Symphonies
Brahms Symphony No.1 in C minor Symphonies
Mendelssohn Symphony No.1 in C minor Symphonies
Mahler Symphony No.1 in D Symphonies
Borodin Symphony No.1 in Eb Symphonies
Mozart Symphony No.1 in Eb Symphonies
Mahler Symphony No.10 (comp. D. Cooke) Symphonies
Mozart Symphony No.10 in D Symphonies


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